May 2014

A new look!

At last, the beginnings of a new theme for my website! I am approaching the point where I want to migrate content from to this website, and I've created a tab for Editing & Publishing, my business (officially now known as Hazel Becker, Editing & Publishing LLC). Progress ... but yes, a work in progress!

Editing & Publishing

It's not surprising that I ended up in journalism - I've been an editor and writer all my life. My first published work was a poem in elementary school. I edited the school newspaper when I was a junior in high school, where I learned to read hot type backwards on flats to check corrections at the printer – a long-lost art.

A wrinkle about scan times

A common theme on melanoma discussion forums is frustration with the length of time between scans when when patients are on the “watch and wait” regimen after being told there is no evidence of disease. It’s been bugging me lately – probably because I needed to have something to stew about to ward off scanxiety as we approach Robert’s six-month scans in early June.

The two Ds

Ann Patchett wrote in her new book, The Story of a Happy Marriage, about thinking up stories in her head while waiting tables early in her writing career. She perfected this technique to the point where she was able to, essentially, write entire novels in her head before scribing them on a keyboard.

I wish I could do that! Oh, I can write in my head – I just can’t get through the “scribing” part.